Leadership Trek® is an on-the-job leadership skills transformation system, in which participants set out on a journey to explore core leadership skills and their connection to both personal and organizational success.  This practical, yet powerful system, utilized as either a leadership primer or refresher, challenges both aspiring and experienced leaders to commit to new action steps and behavior practices, that ultimately lead to personal leadership transformation and improved results.

When accomplished as a team, a Leadership Trek® is the ultimate team building experience, because it gets teams “back to the basics,” and sparks rich discussions that strengthen teams, bring forth new ideas, and creative solutions.

Authors, Rachel Woods and Dr. Mitchell Neubert, build on over 30 years of research and development by Dr. Clifton Williams, to create a leadership transformation system fit for all four generations in the workplace today.

Leadership Trek® System includes:

  • Leadership Trek® program per person
    • Readings
    • Audio version
    • Web-Based Version (link to it here)
    • Questions for Discussion
    • Professionally facilitated Leadership Roundtable discussions
  • Checkpoints – Tools for tying learning to action
  • Final Checkpoint – Tool for tying new actions over time into leadership transformation
  • Personal Goal Setting Program
  • Certificates of Completion
  • “I survived a Leadership Trek” T-Shirts (optional)
  • Leadership Trek Map – Team Visual Aide/Motivational Tool Available in 24×36 (optional)


mapPotential Benefits of Leadership Trek® 

  • Measurable Leadership Transformation
    (At least 21 new actions or behavior practices possible per participating leader)
  • Development of a common language about leadership skills
  • Improved understanding of the connection between an individual’s actions and an organization’s results
  • Increased satisfaction and self-efficacy among team members
  • Discovery of new ideas, opportunities, and practical solutions that enhance relationships and accountability for action
  • Team building when utilized as a team
  • Increased motivation and improved results


How Leadership Trek® Works:  A Six Step Development Process


READ:  Participants read short, practical, reading assignments:

  • Base Camp:  Introduction to Leadership Development
  • Camp 1:  Trust Building
  • Camp 2:  Motivating Yourself and Others
  • Camp 3:  Team Building
  • Camp 4:  Delegation
  • Camp 5:  Communication
  • Camp 6:  Conflict Management
  • Camp 7:  Goal-Setting
  • Camp LTrek: Transformation Celebration


LISTEN:  Participants listen to the audio version of the assignments to reinforce core leadership skills. Listening to the audio version is encouraged to gain the benefits of both spaced repetition and multi-sensory learning (auditory and visual), thus increasing retention.

REFLECT:  After completing the reading assignments and listening to them for reinforcement, participants reflect on the specific application of the principles to their specific role in the organization.  Participants answer the “Questions for Discussion.”

DISCUSS:  Participants attend a professionally facilitated “Leadership Round Table”, in which participants learn through discussion, reflection and the application of the principles found in the readings to real-life issues within their organization.

APPLY:  Application to the current work environment is essential for maximum results.  Periodic “Checkpoints” challenge participants to commit to at least three new actions steps or behavior practices, based on their new insights from their reading, listening, reflection and discussion.

REVIEW:  After participants have reached the second Checkpoint, they begin to review their progress of commitments made at previous Checkpoints.  At the end of each Camp, participants review their progress toward new actions steps or behavior practices. They update their progress.  This step reminds participants of commitments made throughout the Leadership Trek, and it keeps participants motivated toward goals from previous Camps, even after moving forward to other Camps.

KEYS: Repetition and reinforcement of these essential leadership skills is a key to overall transformation.   By continuing to review previous commitments made over time and by tracking progress, participants are repeatedly reminded of the need to take new actions and begin new behavior practices, in order to move forward.  Also, the accountability embedded in this program ensures good intention turns into productive action.

Flexible Implementation

If two expedition teams set out on the same trek at the same time, they would likely arrive at different times, due to various factors affecting each team.  For example, teams may move faster or slower due to environmental conditions along the trail.  So it is with a Leadership Trek.  Maximum flexibility is built in so that each team can be guided through the process at the appropriate pace for that team.  Schedules are customizable to suit the mutual needs of Leadership Trek Guides and participating individuals or organizations.

Our Mission is to inspire, challenge, and equip leaders achieve great heights.